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Mobile Horizontal Scroll - Derek Siu Headshot smiling

Taught by:

Derek Siu

📱 Mobile design just got a whole lot more interesting! In this tutorial, I will guide you through the process of creating a captivating horizontal scroll effect for your mobile Webflow site using the 'overflow auto' property.

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Welcome to my latest Webflow tutorial, where we'll unravel the secrets of crafting captivating mobile web designs with horizontal scrolling using the 'overflow auto' property. In this step-by-step guide, I'll empower you to transform your mobile website into an engaging, interactive experience that keeps users scrolling for more.

Why Horizontal Scroll on Mobile?

Mobile web design has evolved significantly, and the need for innovative, user-friendly layouts has never been greater. Horizontal scrolling on mobile offers several advantages:

  1. Visual Engagement: Horizontal scrolls break away from the traditional vertical layout, capturing user attention and encouraging exploration.
  2. Storytelling: Perfect for showcasing product features, step-by-step guides, or storytelling that unfolds as users scroll.
  3. Compact Navigation: Ideal for content-rich websites, providing a condensed yet accessible way to display a vast amount of information.

Let's dive into the tutorial to create this dynamic effect!

Step 1: Setting Up Your Mobile-Friendly Webflow Project

Begin by ensuring your Webflow project is optimized for mobile. In Webflow's responsive design settings, tweak your breakpoints to ensure a seamless experience across devices.

Step 2: Crafting the Horizontal Scroll Container

  • Create a div block to serve as your scroll container.
  • Set the width to 100% and height to your preferred value, ensuring it fits the mobile screen.
  • Enable overflow:auto; to allow horizontal scrolling within this container.

Step 3: Adding Content to the Container

  • Populate your scrollable container with engaging content. This could be images, text, videos, or a combination.
  • Ensure your content fits comfortably within the container width.

Step 4: Applying 'Overflow Auto' for Seamless Scrolling

  • With your container selected, head to the 'Styles' panel.
  • In the 'Overflow' section, choose 'Auto' to enable smooth, responsive horizontal scrolling.

Step 5: Customizing the Scrolling Behavior

  • Adjust the scroll speed and easing effects to fine-tune the scrolling experience.
  • Webflow's interactions and animations can be integrated to add extra flair to your scrolling elements.

Step 6: Fine-Tuning Your Mobile Design

  • Double-check the responsiveness of your design at various screen sizes.
  • Optimize fonts, images, and spacing to ensure a visually pleasing experience on all devices.


By following these steps, you've transformed your mobile web design with a captivating horizontal scroll effect using 'overflow auto' in Webflow. This versatile technique opens up new possibilities for engaging mobile experiences and storytelling on your website.

Horizontal scrolling isn't just a design trend; it's a powerful tool to enhance user engagement and showcase your content in a unique way. Implementing this technique can set your mobile web design apart from the competition and keep users coming back for more.

Now, it's time to put your newfound skills into action. Experiment, iterate, and create mobile web designs that truly captivate your audience. Stay tuned for more Webflow tutorials and web design tips, and don't forget to watch our accompanying video tutorial for a visual walkthrough of this exciting technique. Happy designing!

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